Preferred Citation

Tomasz Waliszewski, Krzysztof Chmielewski, Mat Immerzeel, and Nada Hélou, "The Church of Saints Sergius and Bacchus in Kaftūn (Northern Lebanon) and its Wall Paintings: Preliminary Report 2009-2010." In Dumbarton Oaks Papers, , pp 291-322 2014.

Full Citation Information

Permanent Identifiers


Title: The Church of Saints Sergius and Bacchus in Kaftūn (Northern Lebanon) and its Wall Paintings: Preliminary Report 2009-2010

Author: Tomasz Waliszewski

Author: Krzysztof Chmielewski

Author: Mat Immerzeel

Author: Nada Hélou

URI:  Link to web application Bibliographic Record.

Zotero: 666

URI:  Link to Worldcat Bibliographic record

ISBN: 978-0-88402-393-7


Title: Dumbarton Oaks Papers

Date of Publication: 2014

Pages: 291-322

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