Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent and David A. Michelson (eds.), "Hormizd — ܗܘܪܡܝܙܕ " in last modified August 17, 2016, ܗܘܪܡܝܙܕ Hormīzd Hormizd Hormizd Hōrmīzd Hormizd RABBAN HORMIZD Hormizd 194 Rabban Hormizd was a monastic founder of the Church of the East who lived under the Patriarch Isho-yaw II. He spent 32 years at the monastery of Bar 'Idta, and then he and other monks left and founded an important monastery near Mosul, north of Alqosh. 628-641 male Saint Hormizd is commemorated in Hormizd (text). Hormizd is commemorated in Hormizd (text). Hormizd is commemorated in Hormizd (text). Hormizd is commemorated in Hormizd (text). Hormizd is commemorated in Hormisdas (text). Hormizd is commemorated in Hormisdas (text). Hormizd is commemorated in Hormisdas (text). Hormizd is commemorated in Hormisdas (text). Hormizd is commemorated in Hormizd (text). Hormizd is commemorated in Hormizd (text). Hormizd is commemorated in Hormizd (text). Hormizd is commemorated in Hormizd (text). Hormizd is commemorated in Hormizd (text). Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca 770 772 1049 1050 1076 1151 1239 1241 1587 1618 1619 1620 1671 Saints Syriaques RABBAN HORMIZD 194 BHO 383-86 Fiey Assyrie chrétienne II 533-48 Hoffmann Auszüge 19-22 J. Habbi BSO II 167-69 A Comprehensive Bibliography on Syriac Christianity Hormizd