James E. Walters, David A. Michelson and Thomas A. Carlson, (eds.), "Ahiqar — ܐܚܝܩܪ " in last modified August 17, 2016, http://syriaca.org/person/323 Aḥiqar احيقار ܐܚܝܩܪ ܐܰܚܝܩܰܪ Ahikar Ahiqar Aḥîqàr http://syriaca.org/person/323 http://viaf.org/viaf/sourceID/SRP|person_323 http://viaf.org/viaf/140711966 http://worldcat.org/identities/lccn-nb2005-19073 http://viaf.org/viaf/231283214 http://viaf.org/viaf/88966698 http://viaf.org/viaf/63528699 http://www.csc.org.il/db/browse.aspx?db=SB&sL=A&sK=Ahikar&sT=keywords Aḥiqar, ‘the Aramean Sage’ who is mentioned in an Akkadian text, is the hero of a narrative set in the Assyrian court. The Minister of Sennacherib (705-681 BC) and Esarhaddon (680-69 BC) Author S. P. Brock Aḥiqar The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage 11-12 The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences 6 كتاب اللؤلؤ المنثور في تاريخ العلوم والأداب السريانية 50 ܒܪ̈ܘܠܐ ܒܕܝܪ̈ܐ ܕܥܠ ܡܪܕܘܬ ܝܘܠܦܢ̈ܐ ܣܘܪ̈ܝܝܐ ܗܕܝܪ̈ܐ 27 A Comprehensive Bibliography on Syriac Christianity Ahikar Baumstark, Geschichte der syrischen Literatur mit Ausschluß der christlich-palästinensischen Texte 11