Silvio Roggo (ed.), "Zemarchus - ܙܝܡܪܟܐ " in last modified February 16, 2024, Zemarchus ܙܝܡܪܟܐ Zemarchus Zemarchus was a Roman envoy to the court of the Turkish Great King Istemi. He was dispatched after a Turkish embassy had visited Constantinople in order to conclude an alliance against the Persians, and Zemarchus accompanied them back to Central Asia, arriving there in c.570. His mission proved successful and, for most of the 570s, good relations prevailed between the Roman and Turkish Empires. The best source for these embassies is Menander Protector, but Joh. Eph., EH 6.23, also preserves an account. 569-571 male 322; 323 3.6.23 Zemarchus 3 1416-1417 1416-1417 322; 323