Index of Persons


مار ابيفانيوس مطران قبرص
Epiphanius of Salamis — ܐܦܝܦܐܢܝܘܣ ܕܩܘܦܪܘܣ Names: Epiphanius of SalamisEpiphanius of SalamisEpiphanius of SalamisEpiphanius metropolitan of Cyprus St.EpiphaniusÉpiphane de ChypreEpīpanyosEpiphanius of CyprusʾEpīpanÉpiphane de ChypreURI:
مار احودامه
Ahudemmeh — ܐܚܘܗܕܐܡܗ Names: AḥudemmehAḥudemeh MarAhoudemmeh of TagritAhudemmehAhudemmehURI:
مار احودامه
Ahudemmeh — ܐܚܘܕܐܡܗ Names: AhudemmehAḥudemmeh of Balad Aḥudemeh MarAḥūdemmehAhoudemmehBaladʾAḥūdemmēhAhoudemmehAḤŪDEMMEHAḥudemmehURI:
مار افرام ملفان سرياني
Ephrem — ܐܦܪܝܡ Names: EphremEphremEphraim the Syrian St.EphraimÉphremEphremEphrem of EdessaSaint EphremʾAfrēmÉphrem d’ÉdesseSAINT ÉPHREMAp(h)remURI:
مار ايونيس ذهبي فمه
John Chrysostom — ܝܘܐܢܝܣ ܟܪܘܣܘܣܛܘܡܘܣ Names: John ChrysostomJean ChrysostomeYōḥanānJohn ChrysostomYōḥanānJean ChrysostomeJohannes ChrysostomosJohannes ChrysostomosURI:
مار جاورجي اول بطريرك انطاكية
George of Bʿeltan — ܓܘܪܓܝ ܩܕܡܝܐ Names: Giwargis of BʿeltanGeorge patriarch of Antioch Mar IGeorge of BʿeltanGeorge of BeeltanGiwargis of BeltanGiwargis of B‘eltanGeorge of BeltanGeorge of B‘eltanGeorgeGEORGE, PATRIARCHE D'ANTIOCHEGeorge of BʿeltanGeorgius (Giwargis) a Ba‘eltan, PatriarchaURI:
مار جرجس اسقفعرب
George, bishop of the Arabs — ܓܘܪܓܝ ܐܦܝܣܩܘܦܐ ܕܥܪ̈ܒܝܐ Names: George, bishop of the ArabsGiwargi bp. of the Arab tribesGeorge bishop of the Arabs MarGeorge bp. of the Arab tribesGeorge, bishop of the ArabsGeorges des ArabesGEORGES, ÉVÊQUE DES ARABESGeorge, Bishop of the Arab TribesGeorgius ep. ArabumURI:
مار ديونيسيوس تلمحري
Dionysios of Tel Mahre — ܕܝܘܢܢܘܣܝܘܣ ܬܠܡܚܪܝܐ Names: Dionysios of Tel MaḥreDionysius of Tell Maḥre MarDionysios of Tel MahreDionysius of Tel-MahreDionysios of Tel MaḥreDionysius e Tellmahre Patriarcha jacobitaURI:
مار شمعون زيتوني
Simeon of the Olives — ܫܡܥܘܢ ܕܙܝ̈ܬܐ Names: Simeon of the OlivesSimon d-beth Zayte MarShemʿun d-ZayteSimon d-ZayteSimeon of the OlivesShemun d-ZayteShem‘un d-ZayteURI:
مار غريغوريوس ابوفرج ملطي مفريان مشهور بابنعبري
Gregorius bar Hebraeus — ܓܪܝܓܘܪܝܘܣ ܒܪ ܥܒܪܝܐ Names: bar Hebraeus GregoriusBar ʿEbroyo GrigoriosBar Hebraeus Mar GregoriusBar Hebraeus GregoriusBar ʿEbroyo GregoryBarhebraeusAbū al-FarajBarhebraeusBar Ebroyo GrigoriosBar ‘Ebroyo GrigoriosBar Ebroyo GregoryBar ‘Ebroyo GregoryGrégoire BarhebraeusGrigorīyos bar ʿEbroyoGregory Bar-HebraeusGregory Bar HebraeusGīgōrīyōs bar ʾEḇrayāGrégoire Bar-HebraeusGRÉGOIRE BAR HÉBRAEUSGregory Abu-l-Faraj, Bar ʿEbraya [Bar Hebraeus]Gregorius Abu-l-Farag, BarhebraeusURI:
مار فالوط اسقفرها
Palut, bishop of Edessa — ܦܠܘܛ Names: Phalut bishop of Edessa MarPaluṭPalutPalut bishop of Edessa PàlûṭURI:
مار فيلكسينس منبجي
Philoxenos of Mabbug — ܦܝܠܠܘܟܣܝܢܘܣ ܕܡܒܘܓ Names: Philoxenos of MabbugPhiloxenus of Mabug MarPhiloxenus of MabbugPhiloxène de MabougPhiloxenos of MabbugPHILOXÈNEPīlōksīnōs d-MabōghPīlāksīnōs d-MabōgPhiloxène de MabbogAksenoyo; XenosPhiloxenus MabbugensisURI:
مار مارون
Maron — ܡܪܘܢ Names: MaronMaronMaronSt. MaronMarun MarURI:
مار موسي ابن كيفا
Moses bar Kipho — ܡܘܫܐ ܒܪ ܟܐܦܐ Names: Mushe bar KiphoMushe bar KiphoMoses Mar Bar KephaMoses bar KiphoMoses bar KephaMoïse bar KéphaMoses Bar KiphaMōšē bar KīpāMoïse bar Képha (notice)MOÏSE BAR KĪPHASevereURI:
مار ميخائيل كبير
Michael the Great — ܡܝܟܐܝܠ ܩܕܡܝܐ ܪܒܐ Names: Michael the GreatMichael Rabo IMichael the Great MarMichael the SyrianMichel le GrandMichael I the GreatMichael I (1199) Patriarcha jacobitaURI:
مار ميليطون اسقف ساردة
Melito, bishop of Sardis — ܡܝܠܝܛܘܢ ܕܣܐܪܕܝܣ Names: Melito bishop of SardisMeliton of SardisMeliton bishop of Sardis St.URI:
مار يعقوب اسقف نصيبين
Jacob of Nisibis — ܝܥܩܘܒ ܕܢܨܝܒܝܢ Names: Jacob of NisibisYaʿqub of NisibisJacob bishop of Nisibin St.Jacob of NisibisYaqub of NisibisYa‘qub of NisibisYaʿqōbJacob of NisibisJacobYaʾqōḇJacques de NisibeJACQUESURI:
مار يعقوب برادعي
Jacob Baradaeus — ܝܥܩܘܒ ܒܘܪܕܥܝܐ Names: Jacob BaradaeusYaʿqub BurdʿoyoJacob Mar BaradaeusJacob BurdʿoyoJacob BaradaeusYaqub BurdoyoYa‘qub Burd‘oyoJacob BurdoyoJacob Burd‘oyoJacobYaʾqōḇJacquesJacques BaradéeJACQUES BARADÉEJacobus Burde'ana (Baradaeus)URI:
مار يعقوب رهاوي
Jacob of Edessa — ܝܥܩܘܒ ܕܐܘܪܗܝ Names: Jacob of Edessa Yaʿqub of Edessa Jacob of Edessa MarJacob of Edessa Yaqub of EdessaYa‘qub of EdessaJacques d’ÉdesseJACQUES D'EDESSEJacob of EdessaJaʿqôb(h) von EdessaJacobus EdessaeURI:
مار يعقوب سروجي ملفان
Jacob of Serugh — ܝܥܩܘܒ ܕܣܪܘܓ Names: Yaʿqub of SerughJacob the Malphono of Sarug MarJacob of SerughJacob of SarugYaqub of SerughYa‘qub of SerughJacques de SerughYaʿqōb d-Batnān da-SrugJacob of SerughYaʾqōḇ d-ḇatnān da-SrūgJacques de SarougJACQUES DE SAROUGSerughJacobus SarugensisJacob of BatnaeJacob of SerūgURI:
مار يوحنا تلي
John of Tella — ܝܘܚܢܢ ܕܬܠܐ Names: Yuḥanon of Tella John of Tella Yuḥanon bar QursosYuḥanānJohn of TellaJohnYōḥanānJean de TellaJEAN, ÉVÊQUE DE TELLAJohn bar Kursos of TellaIoannes (Johannan) Bar Kursos ep. TellaeURI:
مارا مطران امد
Mara, metropolitan of Amid — ܡܪܐ ܕܐܡܝܕ Names: Mara metropolitan of Amid Mara metropolitan of Amid Mara of Amid Mara of AmidURI:
ماروثا تكريتي
Marutha of Tagrit — ܡܪܘܬܐ ܕܬܓܪܝܬ Names: Marutha of TagritMarutha of TagritMarutha of TagritMarutha of Takrit MarūtāMaroutha of TagritMārūṯāMarouta de TagritMĀRŪṮĀ DE TAKRĪTMarutha of TagritMarutha TagrithesisURI:
ماروثا فارقي
Marutha of Maypherqat — ܡܪܘܬܐ ܕܡܝܦܪܩܛ Names: Marutha of MaypherqatMarutha of MaypherqaṭMarutha of Miyapharqin Marutha of MaipherqatMaruta of MayperqatMĀRŪṮĀ DE MAYPERQATMarutha of MaiperqaṭBischof Màrût(h)ā von MaiperqaṭURI: