Index of Persons


يامين مطرانرها
Benjamin, metropolitan of Edessa — ܒܢܝܡܝܢ ܕܐܘܪܗܝ Names: Benjamin metropolitan of Edessa Benjamin of Edessa Benjamin metropolitan of Edessa Benjamin of EdessaURI:
يانورين امدي
Yanurin of Amid — ܝܐܢܘܪܝܢ ܐܡܝܕܝܐ Names: Yanurin of Amid Yanurin of Amid Yanurin of Amid Januarios KandidatosJanuarius CandidatosURI:
يحي بن عدي
Yahya b. ʿAdi — ܝܚܝܐ ܒܪ ܥܕܝ Names: Yaḥyā b. ʿAdīYaḥya Ibn ‛AdiYahya b. ʿAdiYahya b. AdiYaḥyā b. AdīYaḥyā b. ‘AdīJohn b. AdīJohn b. ‘AdīAbū Zakaryā Yaḥyā b. ʿAdīURI:
يشوع بن علي
Ishoʿ bar ʿAli — ܝܫܘܥ ܒܪ ܥܠܝ Names: Bar ʿAli IshoʿBar ‛Ali Yeshu‛ Ishoʿ bar ʿAli bar AliʿĪsā b. ʿAlīYashūʿ b. ʿAlīBar Ali IshoBar ‘Ali Isho‘Bar Ali JoshuaBar ‘Ali JoshuaIshoʿ bar AliURI:
يشوع سفتانا (الاهدل)
Michael II, the Younger — ܡܝܟܐܝܠ ܬܪܝܢܐ Names: Michael the Younger IIMichael the Younger IIYeshu‛ SaftanaJosué de Militène Michel IIMichael II, Isho Sephtana [Anti Pat]URI:
يشوعداد مروزي
Ishoʿdad of Merv — ܝܫܘܥܕܕ ܡܪܘܙܝܐ Names: Ishoʿdad of MervYeshu‛dad of MervIshodad of MervIshodad of MervIsho‘dad of MervIshoʿdad of MervIsho' dad e MerwURI:
يشوعدناح بصري
Ishoʿdnah of Basra — ܝܫܘܥܕܢܚ ܕܒܨܪܐ Names: IshoʿdnaḥYesho‛dnaḥ of BaṣraIshodenah of BasrahIshodnaḥIsho‘dnaḥIsho’denah de BasraIsho‘dnah de BasraIshoʿdnah of BasraIsho' Denah e BasraURI:
يشوعياب بن ملكون
Ishoʿyahb bar Malkon — ܝܫܘܥܝܗܒ ܒܪ ܡܠܟܘܢ Names: Ishoʿyahb bar MalkonYeshuʿyahb Bar MalkunIshoyahb bar MalkonĪshūʿyābYashūʿyā b. MalkūnIshoyahb bar MalkonIsho‘yahb bar MalkonYeshuyahb Bar MalkunYeshu‘yahb Bar MalkunIshoʿyahb bar MalkonURI:
يعقوب اسقف عانة
Jacob of ʿAnah — ܝܥܩܘܒ ܕܥܐܢܐ Names: Jacob bishop of ‛Ānah Yaʿqub of ʿĀnahJacob of ʿAnahYaqub of ĀnahYa‘qub of ‘ĀnahJacob of ĀnahJacob of ‘ĀnahURI:
يعقوب مطران ميافارقين
Jacob of Maypherqat — ܝܥܩܘܒ ܕܡܝܦܪܩܛ Names: Jacob metropolitan of Miyapharqin Yaʿqub of MaypherqaṭJacob of MaypherqatYaqub of MaypherqaṭYa‘qub of MaypherqaṭJacob of MaiperqaṭURI:
يعقوب اول بطريرك انطاكية
Ignatius Jacob I, patriarch of Antioch — ܝܥܩܘܒ ܩܕܡܝܐ Names: Ignatius Jacob patriarch of Antioch IJacob Patriarch of Antioch IIgnatius Yaʿqub IIgnatius Yaqub IIgnatius Ya‘qub IJacob I, Ibn al MuzawwaqURI:
يعقوب برطلي مطران دير مار متى
Jacob bar Shakko — ܝܥܩܘܒ ܒܪ ܫܟܟܐ Names: Jacob bar ShakkoYaʿqub bar ShakkoJacob of Barṭelli Jacob bar ShakkoJacob of BartelliSeverus bar ShakkoSeveros bar ShakkoYaqub bar ShakkoYa‘qub bar ShakkoJacob (Severus ) bar Shakko of BartellaURI:
يوحنا ابن افتونيا
John bar Aphtonia — ܝܘܚܢܢ ܒܪ ܐܦܬܘܢܝܐ Names: John bar AphtoniaJohn bar AphtoniaJohn Bar AphtoniaJean bar AphtoniaJean bar AphtonyaYuḥanān bar AptoniyāJohn bar AphthoniaJohn Bar AphtoniaYōḥanān bar ʾAptōnyāJean bar AphtoniaJEAN BAR APHTONIAJohn bar AphtoniaURI:
يوحنا ابن اندراوس
John bar Andrawos — ܝܘܚܢܢ ܒܪ ܐܢܕܪܐܘܣ Names: John Bar AndrewsYuḥanon bar AndrawosJohn bar AndrawosJohn bar AndrewsURI:
يوحنا ابن بوطاحي
John bar Butahi — ܝܘܚܢܢ ܒܪ ܒܘܛܐܚܝ Names: John bar ButahiJohn Bar BūṭāḥīYuḥannon bar BūṭāḥīJohn bar BūṭāḥīJohn bar ButahiURI:
يوحنا ابن زعبي
John bar Zoʿbi — ܝܘܚܢܢ ܒܪ ܙܘܥܒܝ Names: Yoḥannan bar ZoʿbiJohn of Zu‛biJohn bar ZoʿbiJohn bar ZobiYoḥannan bar ZobiYoḥannan bar Zo‘biJohn bar ZobiJohn bar Zo‘biJohn bar ZoʿbiURI:
يوحنا ابن شوشان
John bar Shushan — ܝܘܚܢܢ ܒܪ ܫܘܫܢ Names: John bar ShushanYuḥanon Ishoʿ bar Shushan XJohn Bar ShushanJohn X BarshushanYūḥannā Yūšaʿ b. ŠūšānYuḥanon X Isho bar ShushanYuḥanon X Isho‘ bar ShushanJohn X, Isho bar ShushanURI:
يوحنا ابن فنكائي
John bar Penkaye — ܝܘܚܢܢ ܒܪ ܦܢܟܝ̈ܐ Names: Yoḥannan bar PenkayeJohn Bar PhankayeJohn bar PenkayeYuḥanān bar PenkoyēJohn Bar Penkaye (Phencaie)Yōḥanān bar PenkāyēJean bar PenkayéJEAN BAR PENKĀYÉJohn bar PenkayeIohannanIoannes bar PenkajeURI:
يوحنا ابوسدرات
John of the Sedre — ܝܘܚܢܢ ܕܣܕܪ̈ܘܗܝ Names: Yuḥanon of the SedreJohn of the SedrosJohn of the SedreJohn I of AntiochJohn I of the SedreIoannes (Johannan) II PatriarchaURI:
يوحنا بسالطس
John the Chanter — ܝܘܚܢܢ ܦܣܐܠܛܘܣ Names: John the ChanterJohn the ChanterYuḥanon the psaltosJohn the psaltosJean PsaltèsURI:
يوحنا بن صموئيل
John bar Samuel — ܝܘܚܢܢ ܒܪ ܫܡܘܐܝܠ Names: John Bar SamuelYuḥanon bar ShmuelJohn bar ShmuelJohn bar SamuelURI:
يوحنا دولباني
Dolabani, Philoxenos Yuhanon — ܝܘܚܢܢ ܕܘܠܒܐܢܝ Names: Dolabani Philoxenos YuhanonDolabani Philoxenos YuḥanonDolabani Philoxenos YuhanonDolabani YuḥanonYūḥannā DūlabānīURI:
يوحنا شابو
Chabot, Jean-Baptiste — ܝܘܚܢܢ ܫܒܐ Names: Chabot Jean-BaptisteChabot Jean-BaptisteChabot Jean-BaptisteChabot J. B.URI:
يوحنا فيلوفونس
John Philoponus — ܝܘܚܢܢ ܦܝܠܠܘܦܘܢܘܣ Names: John PhiloponusJohn PhiloponosJohn PhiloponusJohn PhiloponosJohn Philoponus (the Grammarian)Iohannes PhiloponusURI:
يوحنا مارون
John Maron — ܝܘܚܢܢ ܡܐܪܘܢ Names: John MaronYuḥanon MaronJohn MarunJohn MaronYuḥanon d-MarunURI: