Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent, David A. Michelson and Ugo Zanetti, (eds.), "Jacob of Serugh (text) — ܝܥܩܘܒ ܕܒܛܢܢ ܕܣܪܘܓ " in Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca Electronica last modified November 5, 2015, ܝܥܩܘܒ ܕܒܛܢܢ ܕܣܪܘܓ Yaʿqōḇ d-Ḇatnān da-Srūǥ Jacques de Serugh (texte) Jacob of Serugh (text) ܫܘܦܝܪ̈ܐ ܪ̈ܡܐ ܘܐܠܗܝ̈ܐ ܡܠܐ ܗܘܘ... ??? ms Alep, Église Mâr Giwargis, cod. 112, f. 24v- 1984 Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca 1984