Abraham and Maron (text) - ܐܒܪܗܡ ܘܡܪܘܢ



  • ܐܒܪܗܡ ܘܡܪܘܢ1
  • ʾAḇrāhām w-Mārōn1
  • Abraham et Maron (texte)1
  • Abraham and Maron (text)1


Reference Numbers


Incipit (Opening Line)

ܗܠܝܢ ܩܕܡ ܙܒܢܢ ܘܒܗ ܒܙܒܢܢ ܥܠ ܐܣܛܘܢܐ ܢܨܚܘ ܘܚܛܦܘ ܟܠܝܠܐ ܕܙܟܘܬܐ ܒܝܕ ܕܘܒܪ̈ܝܗܘܢ ܬܡܝܗ̈ܐ. 1
Avant notre époque et de notre temps ceux-là ont triomphé sur une colonne et ont ravi la couronne de la victoire par leur vie merveilleuse. 1

Explicit (Closing Line)

ܐܢܐ ܓܝܪ ܐܪܚܩܬ ܗܘܝܬ ܠܝ ܡܢ ܬܡܢ̣. ܡܛܠ ܩܪܝܒܘܬܐ ܕܓܢܣܐ ܦܓܪܝܐ̣. ܘܥܠ ܟܢܘ̈ܫܝܐ ܕܐܡ̈ܕܝܐ ܚܠܛܬ ܟܕ ܗ̣ܢܘܢ ܒܐܟܣܘܪܝܐ ܕܡܢ ܗܪ̈ܛܝܩܘ. 1
Car je m’éloignai de là à cause de la proximité de la famille corporelle et je me joignis aux communautés des gens d’Amid exilés par les hérétiques. 1


Jean de Ephèse, "Lives of the Eastern Saints I." Patrologia Orientalis vol. 17.1 (1923)., : p. 56-84.Link to Syriaca.org web application Bibliographic Record.Link to Zotero Bibliographic RecordLink to Worldcat Bibliographic recordLink to Archive.org Bibliographic record (Edition from manuscript witness 1. See below.)
Land, J. P. N.JEEMSH: p. 31-45., : p. 31-45. (Edition from manuscript witness 2. See below.)

Modern Translations

  • Latin: W. J. Van Douwen et J. P. N. LandCBOpp: 21-30, , pp: 21-30, 1
  • English: Jean de Ephèse, "Lives of the Eastern Saints I." Patrologia Orientalis vol. 17.1 (1923)., : p. 56-84, Link to Syriaca.org web application Bibliographic Record.Link to Zotero Bibliographic RecordLink to Worldcat Bibliographic recordLink to Archive.org Bibliographic record 1
  • Syriac Manuscript Witnesses

    ms Londres, British Library, Add. 14647, f. 14-20 + ms Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, syr. 234, f. 450v-456v 1
    ms Londres, British Library, Add. 14647, f. 14-20 1
    ms Leiden, Rijksuniversiteit, or. 2354 (cod. 1638) 1
    Status: draft  Is this record complete?

    Works Cited

    Any information without attribution has been created following the Syriaca.org editorial guidelines.

    • 1 Ugo Zanetti and Claude Detienne, Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca, entry: 586.Link to Syriaca.org web application Bibliographic Record.
    • 2 Maro the Dendrite: an anti-social holy manHomo Viator. Classical Essays for John Bramblepp: 309-317., pp: 309-317.

    How to Cite This Entry

    Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent et al., “Abraham and Maron (text) — ܐܒܪܗܡ ܘܡܪܘܢ ” in Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca Electronica, last modified November 5, 2015, http://syriaca.org/work/796.


    Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent et al., “Abraham and Maron (text) — ܐܒܪܗܡ ܘܡܪܘܢ .” In Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca Electronica, edited by Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent and David A. Michelson. Vol. of Gateway to the Syriac Saints, edited by Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent et al.. Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal, 2015. Entry published November 5, 2015. http://syriaca.org/work/796.

    About this Entry

    Entry Title: Abraham and Maron (text) — ܐܒܪܗܡ ܘܡܪܘܢ

    Additional Credit:

    • Editing, proofreading, data entry and revision by Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent
    • Data architecture and encoding by David A. Michelson
    • Editing, Syriac data conversion, data entry, and reconciling by Adam P. Kane
    • Editing and Syriac data proofreading by Aram Bar Schabo
    • This document includes data from Ugo Zanetti, Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca (unpublished database). Entries adapted from the work of Ugo Zanetti
    • This document includes data from Ugo Zanetti, Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca (unpublished database). Entries adapted from the work of Claude Detienne

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